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Stuart Watson

If you're going to do a 'ranty' post, then this, for me, is how to do it.

Offer a solution.

I feel strangely inspired.

Brand ads today are seen as frivolous and self-indulgent by clients and they tend to stay well clear of them. Rightly so in the case of Apple. But it doesn't have to be this way. I think we sometimes let design get in the way of story telling.

I love the idea of a return to long copy ads. And feels the right time to do it as people need more than a shiny logo (or, in this case, shiny copy) to believe.


And it's "nos" or "noes", not "no's".



Nick, you've made my day. An excellent post.

Your argument had me nodding from the start (the classic copywriting test).

If this is you being ranty, then please rant again soon.

Keep up the good work

Tom Albrighton

Brilliant post.

The way to fix these ads is already there in the image - talk about the product. The story of how any one of Apple's products was 'designed by Apple' would be fascinating, and would give ample opportunity to demonstrate its brand values rather than weakly asserting them.

It would also add some badly needed narrative drive, while implicitly affirming that Apple is still on course - still doing the same 'insanely great' things it's always done.

Nick Asbury

Thanks for the nice comments – reassuring to know I'm not frothing at the wall on my own.

As Chris Myers has pointed out on Twitter, the ad is based partly on Apple's new mission statement, which they unveiled earlier this year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VpZmIiIXuZ0#at=18

The film is at least an example of the words and visuals working harder to communicate something. But the mission statement itself remains pretty vacuous. It was apparently produced to show the company hasn't lost its way since the passing of Steve Jobs. For me, the fact they're spending their time producing mission statements and brand films is a sure sign that they have.

Jackie Mackay

This is a really great piece of communication whatever you tag it with. Thanks - most refreshing and revealing. You strip off the veils of in-crowdness of the agency hives. This ad showed that the emperor's clothes were... - oh ... er what emperor?

I hope the skateboarders with pony tails can catch their breathless self agarandisement for long enough to read it several times.... in between Dilbert and South park.

It's like Apple manuals - all can do and not much HOW to do. Don't get me wrong - I love Apple's OO tech and solid state top-rate programming. I love Apple's immaculate GUI and TASTE which is invisible enough that the meaning comes through. I love Apple's loyalty to the people who use it - only the ads you show are an exception. They give no credit to the intelligence of Apple users.

Jackie Mackay


Great post, Nick.

You also qualify for bonus points, as your article saved me having to think up an argument of my own when a colleague trotted over a moment ago and said: "Have you *seen* these fab new Apple ads?" So thanks for that.

Oh, and @Grrrreen: you can use apostrophes to pluralise certain, tricky words. Such as:

"Mind your p's and q's."

You don't even have to take my word for it. Says so right there in 'The Good Word Guide'. So at least Apple got one thing right.

Rules of the Interweb disclaimer: Since I'm posting a comment whingeing about someone else's grasp of grammar/punctuation, I will doubtless have made several mistakes of my own. (Here's one for a start).

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