couple of months ago, the people at Yorkshire Tea were nice enough to send us
some free gifts – probably the highlight of our year, decade and lives so far. There's
no way you can return a favour like that, but the one thing I can do is write a
slightly forced poem. So here's a Corpoetic based on Yorkshire Tea's homepage copy
(pictured above).
As usual, the rules were that you can only use the words supplied, you don't have to use all the words and you can use individual words more than once.
Yorkshire Tea
Tea is a major cause
lovely dreams – teatime dreams.
of cakes the size of Yorkshire.
of biscuits big as a planet.
dreams of cuppa on cuppa
lovely, simple, natural tea.
all the people of Yorkshire Tea,
put the 'tea' in 'quality',
grow the tea and blend the tea
treat our teatime properly –
our love and respectful wishes.
Tea is so delicious.
A brilliant brew. (Again.)
Posted by: Mike Reed | 15 December 2009 at 20:48
Cheers me duck. Actually, I've realised I messed up by including an 'as' that wasn't in the original. Fourth line will have to change to "Dreams of biscuits the size of a planet". But I think I'm just going to leave it and hope no one reads this comment.
It's like one of those deliberate imperfections that ancient scribes used to insert into their texts as a mark of respect to God. Sort of.
Posted by: Nick Asbury | 16 December 2009 at 08:27